Monday, August 15, 2016

Phoenix (or Something) Rises from the Ashes

Or Lazarus from the dead. As some of you know, I once had another blog called "La Dilettante," that I used as sort of a journal, as my own op-ed page, a tidy pictorial record of what was going on in my small (very small, some days) world. I wish that I could access it, but in fiddling with the privacy settings a couple of years ago, I somehow denied my very own self access. Like locking myself out of my own car (I've done that, too) with every locksmith on earth dead, or something. All that brilliant writing (I guess you'll have to trust me on that), now buried, as in a dark stone vault.  Hardly a tragedy for the general worldwide web, but "oh, the difference to me."

I thought I'd start another one, as a way to send postcards en masse to friends who might possibly have a mild interest in my occasional doings. Specifically, my upcoming month in Europe, which will begin this coming Sunday. The first two weeks will be a "bucket list" thing---a total immersion in French, in a small village called Semur-en-Auxois. For fourteen whole days I will not (as Dieu is my witness!) utter one mot in English. After that, my husband will join me, and we'll spend a week in Geneva, and I will have to speak English again, at least to him. Finally, ten days in Italy (Amalfi Coast and Rome,) where I will see if my Italian has improved since 2008, the last time I was there.

Pour mes amis de l' Alliance Française ici à Jackson, je vais poster quelques choses dans notre langue étrangère préférée.
Per i miei carissimi amici nella nostra classe d'italiano,  pubblichero' nella nostra lingua straniera preferita.

Someone asked me why I don't just post pictures on Facebook daily. If you know me well enough to be invited to view this, you know why! This way, you can choose to pop in and see what I'm up to, or (more likely) choose not to. With FB, you'd have to scroll, scroll, scroll to avoid being bored. And some of you infinitely wise ones never got involved with FB (a.k.a. Ego Central) in the first place!

As I have no travel pictures yet, I'll put a few of the other interesting (to me) things in my life: granddarlings Grant and Cate. How I shall miss these two...